Digital Double Glazing: Is This The Future For Our Industry?

17 August 2020

With the Coronavirus casting many businesses throughout the UK into doubt and transforming them into a working from home culture, we’ve noticed that many of our installers are still going strong.

This is because one of the main features that we offer our network of installers, QuoteBuilder, allows homeowners to design window and door products online and receive a free quote for the work at the end of the process.

This has enabled installers to continue receiving leads for home improvement work and keep many of their businesses alive and intact.

So we wanted to ask the question, with digital quote building tools available online, is it possible for the industry to become more digital?

What QuoteBuilder Allows Installers To Do

We’ve been promoting QuoteBuilder for a while now, using it to help our installers help their customers see the fantastic products we manufacture and to be able to design their own windows and doors online.

It’s become very popular not only amongst homeowners but with installers too, as they can see the value QuoteBuilder has to offer.

And in trying times such as a global pandemic causing businesses to stop trading, it’s allowed our installers to continue receiving quotes for the wonderful products we manufacture.

It’s also taken much of the hard work out of installers having to quote for the work requested by homeowners. 

QuoteBuilder gives homeowners a rough idea of how much the work will cost. 

Of course, each installer is different, located in different areas, meaning costs and quotes will vary from company to company.

But by having QuoteBuilder on your website, it can help gauge who is interested in your products and drive users to your website, who you know want double glazing products in their home.

Digital Appointments

Something that has not yet been tested is digital appointments.

But it may in fact happen in the near future. Especially since COVID-19 has caused many businesses to think outside the box in the way in which they do business, offering digital appointments over video conferencing software may indeed be the answer to get a more bespoke quote for windows and doors that are requested by homeowners.

All it would take is a sales representative or a double glazing installer himself to call the homeowner, ask for their window and door measurements, walk the homeowner through the process of exactly what they need to measure and all of a sudden there is an opportunity for you to offer the homeowner a fully bespoke and more or less accurate quote.

This way, whilst it’s digital, may be favoured by many people who like to conduct business over the phone and “buy from a person”; after all we’ve said before, people buy from people and arranging a video call with a potential customer, could help get that sale over the line.

Online Purchasing of Products

Something else that has not yet been tested amongst consumers, but is more common-place in trade, is actually purchasing the window and door products online.

To become a more digital double glazing company, offering this type of e-commerce service, could help improve sales and streamline the process for the homeowner.

By putting all of these together, QuoteBuilder, digital appointments and an online store to purchase double glazed windows, doors and even conservatories, creates a more digital-based double glazing company that has a lot of pros and cons.

The most obvious is that personal interaction with the homeowner is minimised significantly and perhaps for some, this may be a struggle.

But with websites such as Amazon, eBay and Facebook Marketplace, the younger generation is used to shopping online and don’t think twice about it.

And with the increase in younger homeowners, this could be an interesting and unique way of winning their business.

Offering A Digital Service

Even if you use just one of these on our list, you’re reaching out to a wider audience than you would be if most of your business activities were offline.

QuoteBuilder is something that has become key to many of our installers who win business online.

If a homeowner is interested in improving their home through double glazing, then more than likely they will request a quote.

And with the friendly user-interface of QuoteBuilder, offering complete bespoke designs and a wide list of customisable features, all this helps to draw the customer in and help you complete the sale and win the business.Take a look at our QuoteBuilder tool and see how we can help your offline business become an online one too, to reach a wider customer base of homeowners who shop online.